A lot of really delicious seafood comes from Scotland, so much that you could create your own special Burns Night Seafood Platter to share and celebrate with friends.
Serves 4
- 1kg of Scottish Langoustines
- 12 Scottish Roe on Scallops
- 500g Scottish Crab Claws
- 12 Colchester Oysters
- 2 Lemons
- Crusty Bread and potatoes to serve
Ok, so the oysters are our own oysters, but you can't have a seafood platter without oysters in our opinion!
Cook the langoustines as per this lemon and pepper butter langoustine recipe.
Cook the scallops simply in a hot frying pan with lots of butter and finish with any leftover lemon and pepper butter from the langoustines.
The crab claws are already cooked and cracked so I would serve them in with some delicious whisky mayonnaise like this one.
You could cook the oysters or serve them raw. If you are going to cook them you could go with a recipe like this one for oyster rockefeller, because who doesn't like oysters rockefeller?
Serve with some good crusty bread, buttery potatoes and a big bowl of that delicious whiskey mayonnaise.